Healthy Breakfast..
Let's play a game this morning.
Imagine you are in an ideal world: in the evening you ate light and wake up perky and full of energy, free to choose the best breakfast.
Imagine you have no preconceptions and no habits. You're completely "new", you've just woken up on a new planet.
What could be the best choice for your breakfast?
In reality the name "breakfast" is already misleading, because this word immediately makes us think of:
coffee, milk, tea, cappuccino - to drink
brioche, bread, butter and jam, cornflakes with yogurt, biscuits - to eat
Cookies are our passion, they are inevitable.
I never cease to be surprised at how much attachment there is to cookies.
We always look for the one that has nothing (deceiving us that it is good): it must not have fat, it must not have sugar, it must not have gluten, it must be light, it must be "slimming" ... the important thing is that we munch something sweet.
It seems inevitable: a breakfast can be such only if we munch on something sweet.
The problem is that this breakfast does not make us start the day well, because it continuously stimulates our insulin.
Starting the day with a sweet breakfast we undergo a glycemic peak and immediately after a drop. After a few hours from breakfast we are "underground" and we have to take something sweet again, we feel tired, listless, we need a new coffee or something that brings us up.
We blame work, stress, everything we do, but the truth is that we put in our body a gas that is not good.
Cholesterol rises, hormones don't work well, at a certain age the thyroid doesn't work anymore.
We are immersed in sugar since the morning and we think we can't do otherwise. We never thought we could do otherwise.
Now, try to change the name of the breakfast: call it "Meal number 1".
Ancient medicines teach that your stomach and digestive organs are at their highest in the morning.
So why not give the body, at this first moment, what it needs, so that the rest of the day flows in a harmonious and balanced way?
In this first meal you need to give:
Healthy fats - they nourish the body in a profound way and are necessary for the brain, for bones, for the functioning of hormones, for the transport and assimilation of vitamins and minerals;
Good quality carbohydrates, not simple sugars;
Proteins - both animal and vegetable, you can change every day. Without proteins you will always go looking for something else and you will never feel completely full.
So the ideal morning is to have a complete meal: eat protein, cooked vegetables, and healthy fats and, if needed (eg you have to do a very demanding job and have a body that requires it), a small amount of complex carbohydrates.
If, on the other hand, you have a lot of pounds to lose, you need energy and feel that having breakfast in the morning is not ideal for you, another possibility is Smart Cappuccino, a fatty, protein-rich, nutrient-rich and antioxidant drink, but light and that does not weigh down.
These are the two possibilities. Try them without preconceptions!
Think about how many times man has had to overcome rigid ideas and prejudices to do great things.
Even in the food sector, it is enough to have an open mind and think about having another possibility.
Just yesterday I was talking to a client of mine who told me she had difficulty organizing lunch, since she is always traveling. I offered her to buy a thermos for food, put some vegetables and protein (maybe the leftovers from the day before) and take them with her to be able to have a healthy meal.
He had never thought about it. And it is really so: often in the food field we do not think we have alternatives.
Obviously if you don't have time in the morning you have to organize yourself from the night before. But we will talk about this again...